WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: The Great Robbini’s predictions for Game #14 | 2013-2014 Dallas Cowboys vs. Green Bay Packers

The GREAT Robbini deep in his Crystal Ball trance - The Boys Are Back blog 2013Regular readers know that The Boys Are Back website features the ALMOST WORLD FAMOUS predictions from The GREAT Robbini. Our “exalted one” predicts the fate of America’s Team with unprecedented precision and accuracy from week-to-week.  Kinda!

Last week, there was a slight hiccup and malfunction issue with his crystal ball. Apparently,  frozen (crystal) balls can lead to some very misleading signals. For safekeeping, he had put his powerful (and awe inspiring) crystal ball in his freezer to prevent his family cat (Katnip Kiffin) from playing with it in the middle of the night. Needless to say, he caused league-wide issues with frozen tundra last weekend! We feel it’s important to inform you that The GREAT Robbini feels personally responsible for the Chilled Cowboys embarrassing loss to the Chicago Bears.

This week, The GREAT Robbini has appropriately thawed his balls and envisions a complete contrast in Dallas Cowboys production leading into the matchup with those traveling Packers from Green Bay.

This afternoon, The GREAT ONE was able to sit down and put a seriously powerful rub on his magic ball. I’m told it was so vigorous, that his balls emitted images of a very determined (warm) Dallas Cowboys team and supportive home crowd sportin’ some Christmas magic. Obviously, he’s psyched about the Dallas Cowboys – Green Bay Packers vibe … and ready to share his prognostications that we all count on from week-to-week. Without further delay, it’s time for The GREAT Robbini’s predictions …

The GREAT Robbini’s – 2013-2014 Dallas Cowboys game #14 predictions:

Not even I could see last weeks beating coming. Did you? I didn’t think so.

This game should go SLIGHTLY different. we ‘ll still see the 4 Cowboy touchdowns, and a field goal for good measure. This time its enough for a win. Without Sean Lee, the ‘Boys give up points, but the (pissed off) Rodger-less Pack can’t supply an upset. The Cowboys continue an impressive streak at home vs. Green bay.

Predictions for the Texas 2 Defense …

  • 2 takeaways
  • 4 sacks on QB
  • 2 sacks Hatcher
  • 1 sack Ware
  • Fumble recovery Church
  • Carr Interception
  • T2D gives up 310 in the air
  • T2D gives up 80 on the ground

WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE - The Great Robbini’s predictions for Game 14 - 2013 2014 Dallas Cowboys vs. Green Bay Packers - Aaron Rodgers mad

Predictions for the offense …

  • Romo 300 yds.
  • Bryant Touchdown
  • Witten Touchdown
  • Murray Touchdown
  • Austin Touchdown
  • Murray/Randall 155 all purpose yards
  • Austin 60 yards
  • Dez 120 yards
  • Williams 60 yards
  • Witten 55 yards
  • Cowboys receive second half kick

The GREAT Robbini

Remember, you read it here! The Great Robbini predictions for game #14. Feel free to leave your final score or predictions in the comment section.

Stats and predictions to be confirmed by:

button - Dallas Cowboys Box Score - NFL Box score - 2013-2014 Dallas Cowboys

Comments and Questions are always welcome